We change the world with games

To amaze people

Flexible, fast and full of passion. These are three words that fit our young company perfectly. Although… We are young, but we have been creating Escape Rooms since 2016. That’s pretty much the start of the Escape Room era.

To be honest, at first we were not fans of games at all. Many of us at Monopoly were the bank to cheat. But Escape Rooms opened our eyes. We had never done anything so exciting.

“If you can put people through such an intense experience, then surely you can use that experience to convey information?” we thought. And boom! A subject we want to devote our lives to. And thus the start of Heroes Inc.

Meet the crew

Charlie Duran - Directeur
Taam Maas - Director
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Tara Derksen - Project Manager
m.6kopie 1
Gino Sanders - Game designer
Marieke Pieters
Marieke Pieters - Game designer
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Tjeerd Campman - Props
Yari Zomerdijk - Technical
Didi Samwell
Diederick Samwell - Storyteller/Author
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Ask your question and we will get back to you as soon as possible!

Call/Mail Direct

Exp Inc
Hendrik Figeeweg 1E
2031 BJ Haarlem 

023 – 20 780 19

Charlie Geel
Taam Geel
Tara Geel